Embrace the Conflict It is a feature of Irish society that we do tend to shy away from conflict. Given our history that may not be surprising. We tend to associate conflict with bullying, victimisation and disempowerment. We only seem to be able to view Conflict with a capital C. It is always a […]
The case for change It is vital that we listen to those who have a different range of experiences, skill sets, aspirations and even values. Too often we see companies recruit to a paradigm and then wondering why they struggle to adapt to changes in the market place, new technologies or opportunities We deal with […]
Death by a Thousand Cuts …. And how to avoid it I have been working with a number of clients who have asked me to come in and help them. They have not been very specific about the issues but they know something has to change. The products are good and well received in the […]
It is somewhat surprising that, as I work with individuals and management teams I am still frequently asked to look at the soft skills and what we can do in those areas e.g. “we should probably do something around people or leadership.” They are treated as “nice to have” rather than “need […]
How much time do we invest in ourselves or our team to help increase our awareness? This one skill and behaviour is the key to unlocking the information, tools and techniques in all the other training courses we attend or experiences we have. It is self-awareness that delivers better team work, communication, stakeholder management, customer […]
How do I stop people draining my energy? So many ask me about how we can maximise our own energy and in particular how we stop people other people or situations from draining our own. We often feel we are surrounded by people who drain our energy, who constantly look for approval, feedback, support or […]
How do I stop people draining my energy? So many ask me about how we can maximise our own energy and in particular how we stop people other people or situations from draining our own. We often feel we are surrounded by people who drain our energy, who constantly look for approval, feedback, support or […]
Fulfill Your Potential – What’s on senior managers’ mind? In this blog we look at what senior managers are telling us about the challenges they face and how we have worked through them on our workshops. People come to this workshop to gain clarity on specific issues such as career change or ongoing challenges such […]
So this is the time of year when we have made our resolutions (and statistically speaking already broken a good proportion of them) and are full of optimism for the year ahead. The problem, of course, is that we are not good at keeping our resolutions. We have already discussed in a previous blog how […]
Demystifying Mindfulness We have heard so much in recent years about Mindfulness; how it can improve creativity, positively impact on team dynamics, reduce conflict and improve stress management. It seems to be to go to technique for Management Development and Leadership programmes. The questions though are many. What exactly is it? How can it apply […]